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Marion Darova
23 January 2025, Thursday
Black box
19.00 hour
Marion Darova
“Never Ever Monday” is a performance-conversation-simulation about the apocalypse as the only optimal version of the future. Are we afraid of the end of the world or do we long for it to end in one global act of destruction. Apocalypse “now” to have “thereafter”. Can we truly embrace the upheaval of transformation, or are we drawn into the narratives of humanity’s destruction to heal from our guilt about an uncertain future. Can we restart the game and go back 40 years? Past and future merge into a rosy melancholy that spreads in slow cadence into hyperreality.
The performance is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and is part of the Creative Crossroads programme of the Life Long Burning - Future Lost and Found (LLB 3) project. Co-production of the association WoMo, Brain Store Project and RCCA Toplocentrala. In collaboration with the HOD-Movement Lab.
Marion Darova
Concept, Choreography Marion Darova
With Martina Apostolova and Marion Darova
Sound environment Aleksander Evtimov-Shamancheto
Scenography Boris Dalchev
Multimedia Michaela Dobreva
Costumes Raya Karpacheva
Visuals Martin Petrov-Martinker