
Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

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Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

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Shutdown | Noa Zuk & Ohad Fishof

Noa Zuk, Ohad Fishov, Israel

24 September 2024, Tuesday

Big hall

19.30 hour

Shutdown | Noa Zuk & Ohad Fishof

Noa Zuk, Ohad Fishov, Israel


11.09 / 12.09 / 24.09 | HALL 1 | 19:30

Choreography: Noa Zuk, Ohad Fishov
Music and lights: Ohad Fishof

Costums design: Zlatna Mihailova

The concept behind Noah Zook's "Shutdown" choreography in collaboration with Ohad Fishoff is simple: a 15-second rhythmic phrase that repeats itself endlessly and is reformulated in all possible variations. The phrase is repeated about sixty times during the performance. Outside or inside, head or tail, light or shadow, alone or together... the play by Noah Zook and Ohaf Fischoff plays with opposites to turn them into a better dialogue.

Tickets are now on sale.

Noah is a choreographer and dancer. In 1999, at the age of 19, she was accepted into the ensemble "Batsheva", and three years later she was invited to join the dance company "Batsheva". She danced with the troupe for nine years under the artistic direction of Ohad Naharin. During these years Noah danced in all of Naharin's works for the company and was part of the original cast of such plays as "Naharin's Virus", "Mamutot", "Telophaze", "Three", "Furo" and "Max".
Noah left the company in 2009 to focus on his work as a choreographer. Among her early plays are "O.M.S.", "A Droom Come Tree" and the trio "Boxerman". He works as a guest choreographer with various companies.

During these years, Noah began working in collaboration with his partner, the interdisciplinary artist Ohad Fishoff. Their first collaboration, the dance video One More Song, has been featured in many exhibitions and screenings around the world. After that, the two created numerous works. Their latest work, Shutdown, was commissioned and performed by Germany's Wee Dance Company.
Noah is also a famous teacher. She leads workshops in composition and repertoire (both her own works and Ohad Naharin's choreography) around the world, and since 2007 has been Gaga's movement language teacher.

SHUTDOWN will be performed by Bulgarian dancers selected during a casting call at Toplocentrala in May.
"Shutdown" was originally commissioned by Wee Dance Company and premiered as part of the "Venus" program at the Gerhart-Hauptmann-Theater Görlitz-Zittau.

Аfter the performance, the audience is invited to stay for an open discussion with the cast and artists moderated by Kosta Karakashyan.

The project is being implemented with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Bulgaria.


Noa Zuk, Ohad Fishov, Israel