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Forced Entertainment
30 March 2023, Thursday
Big hall
19.30 hour
60 min
Forced Entertainment
theatre performance
FORCED ENTERTAINMENT once again in Bulgaria
Tomorrow’s Parties is a playful, poignant and at times delirious look forwards to futures both possible and impossible. On a stage framed by coloured fairground lights, this seemingly minimal performance soon reveals itself as a low-fi theatrical explosion. Two performers enjoy the pleasure of invention as their suppositions take them in different directions.
From utopian and dystopian visions, science fiction scenarios, political nightmares and absurd fantasies, Forced Entertainment deliver a thought-provoking survey of hopes and fears as they speculate about what the future might bring.
Forced Entertainment
theatre performance
With the participation of Richard Lowdon, Claire Marshall
Director Tim Etchells
Design Richard Lowdon
Light Designer Francis Stevenson
Production Ray Rennie, Jim Harrison
Production Management Forced Entertainment