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Колектив KHWOSHCH (Дария Гостева, Фрида Гавенда, Вавржинец Немец, Томаш Кочи), Czechia
19 October 2024, Saturday
Big hall
19.30 hour
Колектив KHWOSHCH (Дария Гостева, Фрида Гавенда, Вавржинец Немец, Томаш Кочи), Czechia
Early bird tickets х 15 BGN up until 01.10.2024!
The "Heavy Theater" project was born from the interest in working with heavy objects and the fascination with their mysterious performativity. As stage designers and puppeteers, we make and animate puppets or objects that are completely subordinate to us. But beyond the barrier of the rehearsal room, we constantly move objects and materials that, because of their weight, animate us. We measure time and space with weight. How many steps do I have to walk before I put it on? I count to twenty and then let it go. But heavy objects are not always just a weight, they give us the opportunity for unusual positions, movements, maybe even a dance. Weight conveys a different rhythm and new physical experiences, not just painful ones. It is necessary to adapt to objects and learn to handle them. Observe the object and put all your energy into it. Gravity provides him with an opportunity for extreme concentration. We avoid illusions, we desire the truth. We focus on work. The work of the engineers, the movers, the builders, the stage designers and every person every day
by the authors
Колектив KHWOSHCH (Дария Гостева, Фрида Гавенда, Вавржинец Немец, Томаш Кочи), Czechia