
Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

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Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

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Debates on Europe Sofia: The Fear of Shrinking Numbers

Debates on Europe

25 February 2023, Saturday

Big hall

19.00 hour

120 min.

Debates on Europe Sofia: The Fear of Shrinking Numbers

Debates on Europe

A good-humoured talk on demography and literature

Political scientist Ivan Krastev was one of the first to point to demography as a major driving force in contemporary European politics, from re-nationalization to failing support for democratic reform. In Alek Popov's novel Mission: Turan, the demographic angst is treated with an ironic twist as an expedition sets out to Central Asia to find alleged proto-Bulgarians, who can be recruited to compensate for the dwindling population back home. Absurd? Perhaps. But where exactly goes the line between literary satire and political reality? Two of Bulgaria's brightest minds and wittiest intellectuals discuss an issue at the centre of the life stories of many Europeans. 

Featuring: Ivan Krastev (BG) and Alek Popov (BG) 

Moderator: Bilyana Kourtasheva (BG) 

Events are in English and Bulgarian with simultaneous translation. 

Debates on Europe

A good-humoured talk on demography and literature