
Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

See on Google Maps →
Programme Location


Location Location



Address: 5 Emil Bersinski Str., 1408 Sofia, Bulgaria

GPS: 42.68015, 23.31562

See on Google Maps →
Spotify Spotify


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metaformoza Live @ Toplocentrala

metaformoza, Bulgaria

10 November 2022, Thursday

Bar stage

21.00 hour

120 min

metaformoza Live @ Toplocentrala

metaformoza, Bulgaria

𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚘𝚣𝚊 are a group of improvisers who decipher the world through sound and silence.
Their music is a mirror that doesn't lie.

Entrance: BGN 15.
Tickets at the door.

metaformoza, Bulgaria

Featuring Роко Захариев - тромпети, глас, кийборди, перкусии Александър Логозаров - китара Антони Рикев - бас, кийборд Васил Вутев - барабани